Gosforth Residents Association
Welcomes You
A registered Charity run for the benefit of the community
Located in the heart of Gosforth, Gosforth Residents Association (GRA) provides a place for the local community to get together or run group sessions either on a private hire basis or as a charitable service supported by the GRA.
Thank You to the four volunteers who cleared all the weeds away from along the side of the centre,
well done ladies, it looks great.
The Easter Coffee Morning took place on 23rd March and raised £141.25. with thanks to ASDA for the tea, coffee and biscuits. Special thanks to the ladies for the organisation.
Carpet Bowls, Community Bingo, Knightsbridge Art Club and
Craft and Knit 2gether joined the event.
The photos below show the display of original art work, along with the raffle prize table,
a tasty supply of cakes to go with the tea/coffee and Pebble art pictures.
The hall can be privately hired for events and parties for an hourly rate (£17.50), see the Contact Page.
An example of a group who hire the hall from time to time can be found, along with a video, on the About page.
Groups and Activities
Groups and Activites
At Gosforth Residents Association, there are a wide variety of groups and activities from the Wine Tasting group to musical baby sessions. Whether you are looking for enriching activities or want to hire the hall for a private function, we hope we can help
(see below for private hire update).
On Saturday 30th September 2023, the Macmillan Coffee Morning ran from 11.00am to 1.00pm, and we are delighted
to announce we raised £320, well done to all who ran the stalls and helped out. THANK YOU
Along with the groups listed below we also have a Sitting Yoga session every Wednesday afternoon from 12.30-2.00,
contact Rita Harper on 078 5396 4049 for further information.
A new group has started, Community Bingo. Every Thursday afternoon from 2-3.30pm.
Tea/coffee/biscuits at half time (50p).
£6 covers one book and the flyer.
All welcome
See below for the newest group to book the hall, Little Ballers, contacts details below.
Ad Vintage Wine Group
These sesions are on the third Tuesday of each month from 7.30pm - 9-30pm. At least 6 wines. Cost is £18 per person. Qualified tutor. Contact Suzanne Lock 0191 2532979
Knightsbridge Art Group
Meeting every Wednesday from 6.30 - 8.30pm. Activites include: demonstrations & workshops with professional artists, regular exhibitions at great venues, painting outdoors & visits to places of interest.
Little Ballers
Each week from 9.30 - 10.15
Little Ballers use basket ball as a delivery platform to develop many vital fundamental motor skills and life skills for babies and toddlers up to five years old, while having lots of fun.
Our classes are planned and delivered by educational specialists with a strong knowledge of early years curriculum.
Contact www.littleballersorg.uk to book a space.
Craft & Knit 2gether
We meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 6.30 - 8.30pm. Mostly knitters but we also embroider, crochet, make jewellry etc.
We arrange trips to various wool fests. We are happy to help anyone wanting to learn and we share knowledge as well as spare wool! Pop in and see us for further information.
Carpet Bowls
Why not come and join us for a fun and relaxing game of carpet bowls. We meet every Monday from 2pm - 4pm and refereshments are provided, £3 per session. Just pop in, if you are interested, any Monday, you will be most welcome to join us.
Opening Hours, Contact Details and Location
The hall, is available for hire from 8am - 9pm, Monday to Saturday.
Sundays, 9am - to 9pm.
See the Contact page for further details.
The hall address (which is not a postal address) is
Gosforth Residents Association
Christon Road
Newcastle upon Tyne